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Severe car accidents wreck lives. How will you recover? It is best to get professional help as soon as possible. We'll take your call any time. You'll be talking with an attorney as soon as possible. That's our commitment. 816-561-3400

What life is like after a car accident

car accident attorneys

A car accident can change the lives of the vehicle’s occupants in a single instant. Severe injuries and extensive property damage can upend your life, causing physical pain, emotional trauma, and financial strife that can be difficult to overcome. Accident victims are often left wondering how they’ll pay for the unexpected medical expenses and regular bills while they are unable to work.

Big Results for Major Car Accidents.

Call us.

In Missouri 816-561-3400
In Kansas 913-599-1800

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Client Testimonials

“It was a relief to find legal counsel with Edelman & Thompson! … I was represented with the utmost professionalism and would recommend the Edelman & Thompson Law Office to anyone suffering personal injury.”

– Kelly R.

During this stressful time, an experienced car accident attorney can help you understand all of the options available to you. If you’ve been hurt or if you lost a loved one in a car accident in Kansas City, turn to the attorneys at one of the city’s most established law firms – Edelman & Thompson.

2011-2022, Edelman & Thompson lawyers have obtained more car accident jury verdicts in Kansas City area courts than any other law firm (Jury Verdict Service). This matters BIG TIME, even though 99% of the time, cases settle before going to trial.

If you were an insurance company wanting to pay as little as possible, to please your shareholders, what law firm would rather represent the injured victim(s)?

The one that consistently has taken its clients’ matters to court, AND WON.


The one that may threaten to go to court, but rarely does, and, if they do, they rarely win.

Simple, right? You’d choose the weaker one because you know that your tactics of delay, frustration, obfuscation, and finger-pointing will ultimately result in paying out far later and far less.

Your case is unlikely to go to court. 99% of case settle. BUT, the fact that our firm’s record is so clear, that basically motivates the insurance companies to settle faster and more fairly.

You’ve been in a terrible accident that wasn’t your fault. You have injuries that require treatment and maybe some missed time from work. For many people, this situation is highly devastating. They may not have health insurance. They may not have enough savings to tide them over until they can work again. They may not have any idea about what kind of medical professionals can best address their injuries. At Edelman & Thompson, in addition to standing up for the rights of the injured and getting them fair and just compensation, we also advise on physicians and finances.

IN SHORT, we try to take as much of the burden off of you as possible. We will deal with the insurance companies. We will protect you from damaging your claim. We will help protect your job and finances. Together, with you and your doctor, we will help get you seen by the best medical professionals in our area to address your injuries.

In the end, our aim is to take care of business, so you can take care of you. We have found that this results in faster recovery from your injuries – This, BY FAR, is the most important thing for you to focus on – getting the best possible recovery in the shortest time possible.

Don’t choose a law firm based on how close it is to you! You’ll likely only visit the law firm two or three times. No, you should hire the best law firm in the broader area, if it could mean a 20% faster recovery and, perhaps, 20% more compensation.

We have five offices in the greater Kansas City metropolitan area. If you are unable to come to us, one of our attorneys will be happy to visit you in the hospital or your home. Contact us today to schedule a free, no obligation consultation 816-561-3400.

5 Locations in the Kansas City Area
Kansas City, MO
Independence, MO
Olathe, KS
North Kansas City, MO
Lenexa, KS