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Why Edelman & Thompson gives away premium Kansas City Royals tickets.

We like taking our clients, referral partners and staff to Kauffman Stadium to watch the Kansas City Royals play worthy opponents throughout the baseball season. We have four great seats that provide for a truly memorable experience! They are just 5 rows back in Section 127, right behind home plate in the Diamond Club level of the ballpark.

With about 80 home games in a season, we have multiple opportunities to share these tickets with fellow Kansas Citians and surrounding community members whom we are honored to serve with personal injury legal services if needed. Click here to enter future drawings.

We are in an odd business! We actually hope that you never need us. We don’t want anyone to get injured.

Our clients are usually seriously injured from car accidents, dog attacks, work accidents, slip and falls, or other incidents. Ron Edelman and James Thompson founded the firm in 1994 (30+ years ago!) to serve the community with high quality personal injury legal representation, devoting the firm’s extensive expertise to each and every client. Other firms focus on processing high volumes of cases or come to KC from points beyond with no real ties to our city. It’s a different ballgame, you could say!

We also donate our tickets to local charities so they can use them in auctions or other fundraisers. In May of 2024, HopeKids Kansas City raised $650 auctioning them off. The face value of the ticket package and parking pass is $450, so the winning bidder obviously has a high opinion of HopeKids Kansas City and the Kansas City Royals. HopeKids Kansas City supports families of children with life-threatening medical conditions.


The view of the ballfield at Kauffman Stadium from seats behind home plate.
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